Dreaming of Freedom
All week, my soul has been shattered by the violence in Gaza and Israel, watching air strikes devastate already-traumatized people. It’s a heartrending reminder of the world’s brokenness — how legacies of harm continue to repeat themselves in devastating ways. God calls us to confront the hand our country has played in this violence, and to stand on the side of love. Join me in praying for all those who suffer in the region, and doing what we can from here to end the violence.
This moment and the persistent racism in our nation is why we must build new theologies of liberation for all people, everywhere. We must learn, pray, and act for justice. That’s why I’m so excited to invite you to hold the dates of Saturday, June 19th (6:00p) and Sunday, June 20th (1:00-3:30p) for Juneteenth Now 2021: Get Us Free. Pulitzer Prize–winning historian, Professor Annette Gordon-Reed, the author of On Juneteenth will be in the Freedom Lab with me on Sunday and on Saturday evening, Charles Randolph-Wright and Shanta Thake are joining our team and our friends at The Riverside Church to produce a beautiful celebration of fierce resilience. Mark the dates and times, and get your tickets when they are released. Your tickets will get you mind-stretching conversation and heart-melting art. You will also help our Black Lives Matter and Freedom Lab programs rise up from the ashes.
Speaking of rising, this Sunday, I’ll be preaching my Pentecost sermon live from the sanctuary rubble, offering “Thoughts on Fire.” There will be great music, conversations in Chat and Chew about what spiritual gift we might find in the fire — unburdened, wild, and free. Come Sunday, let’s dream of freedom — together.
I love you fiercely,