We’ve journeyed through why our stories matter and why telling the BOLD truth is paramount. Now, it’s time to talk about what holds us back.
It’s hard work being human, especially in these hot mess times. It’s hard to be a pastor, a teacher, an activist, a therapist, a grocery store clerk, a librarian – you name it – it’s just hard!!
I’m wondering if we collectively know just how much these last few years have added tiny bricks to our body, mind and spirit. These burdens may start small and snowball into large mountains we are scared to climb. Either way, they weigh us down from accessing the Fierce Love that lives inside of us.
When we carry burdens this weighty for so long, we can forget that peace and joy is for us!
This week is all about asking ourselves where we may feel weighed down in our mind, body and spirit. And working to release those burdens.
Our writing prompt this week is in three movements. First, we’ll explore our emotions and then we’ll take a look at what burdens we may be experiencing and lastly a release ritual for your to use!
bell hooks shares with us that “honesty and openness is always the foundation of insightful dialogue.” So, let’s be honest and open to what we may be feeling, what may be weighing us down and sharing that with one another.
– What have you been told about emotions?
– Were you taught to hold them in or release them?
– What scares you the most about sharing emotion?
– How can you work toward facing that fear in sharing emotion?
– Write out the names of people who feel safe to share emotions with and why they feel safe?
– Consider sharing with them that they are an individual you want to be able to call on and they can call on you to share the hard stuff of life and the joy!
Burdens (Body, Mind, Spirit):
To ask ourselves these questions, I want to encourage you to find a way to connect with the ground. Before each question, take a few deep breaths and write everything that comes up.
Taking a focus on your body: where do you feel or sense weight/burden within you?
– How does it feel?
– Does this burden need tending?
– Does this burden need you to share it out loud (share out loud if needed)
– Do you need to make amends or share this burden with someone else? If so, who?
– What might you need to continue to tend and care to this burden?
Taking a focus on your mind: where do you feel or sense weight/burden within you?
– How does it feel?
– Does this burden need tending?
– Does this burden need you to share it out loud (share out loud if needed)
– Do you need to make amends or share this burden with someone else? If so, who?
– What might you need to continue to tend and care to this burden?
Taking a focus on your spirit: where do you feel or sense weight/burden within you?
– How does it feel?
– Does this burden need tending?
– Does this burden need you to share it out loud (share out loud if needed)
– Do you need to make amends or share this burden with someone else? If so, who?
– What might you need to continue to tend and care to this burden?
Release Ritual:
Now that you’ve spent time opening yourself up to emotion and scanning your body, mind and spirit for a sense of weight/burden, here are a few release rituals to consider:
– Write a letter to the individual who might have caused this weight in your life. This letter is for your release. You do not have to send or share it, especially if this is not safe to do so.
– Write a letter to yourself about how you will work toward releasing this weight/burden in your life. Place this somewhere you can review and remind yourself that you are actively on your way to release.
Bonus empowerment: This practice of scanning for what may be holding us back or hurting us can become a weekly practice for you. In doing so, you may find that you become closer to yourself and in doing so others, too.