You’ve courageously peered into your story and asked what is there and what may need to change. Now, we’re going to help that change by empowering ourselves to do something really hard – tell the truth!

Friends, it’s been a hot mess these last few weeks. Speaking out against anti-semitism, anti-trans hate, and the loss of LGBTQ+ siblings in Colorado Springs just a few days ago … speaking up will get you all kinds of feedback. You know who loves to yell really loudly when we speak the truth? White supremacy, who prefers us to stay under the thumb of fascism. 

Telling the truth is rarely popular, but we should tell it anyway. The more we elevate the truth, the more change and liberation can locate harm and heal one another. 

Our writing prompt this week is in two parts: One is for you today and the other is for you to reflect on at the end of each day. 

We can be fierce lovers. We can tell the truth, boldly. 

Today’s exercise is all about free writing:

– What do you believe telling the truth sounds like in this moment?


This week’s daily writing:

– At the end of each day, write in your journal a moment where you told the truth.

– How did it feel?

– How did it impact others?

– Would you do it again?

– Now, share a moment where you were afraid to tell the truth?

– Why were you afraid?

– How will you overcome that fear tomorrow? 

Don’t forget that we have 3 ways to connect throughout each week!

– Comment on my Wednesday social posts to share what you’ve learned, growth moments, ah-ha’s, cheering each other on – all the love!

– Use my story question box on Instagram stories throughout the week

– Tune in each week to our Friday Journey Check Ins on Instagram and Facebook!

Sign up for personal notes from me along the way!

  • Chose an option that best speaks to what you care about in the world! There’s also an option to write in a word.
  • I’d love to learn more about the fierce love posse who will be joining me for something FIERCE & special! Share a bit about yourself and why you’re ready to go after something FIERCE!